Lunchtime Leaders Discussion – Winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, JOSEPH E. STIGLITZ Rescheduled

Lunchtime Leaders Discussion – Winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, JOSEPH E. STIGLITZ

Please note that this event is being rescheduled. Please watch the CUCNY website for more event details.

The Columbia University Club of New York is pleased to welcome JOSEPH E. STIGLITZ as our Autumn 2015 Leadership Luncheon speaker.

Program details to come.

Special notes: This is a small formal seated luncheon. Seating is very limited.

Registration: 12:00PM
Luncheon: 12:30PM
Program: 1:15PM

Cost: $75 for members, $85 for guests
Fees for this event will be billed to the member’s account.
All reservations are final on December 2.

Event Cancellation Policy
Free Events:
Please call, email, or go online to cancel your reservation by noon on the day of the event to avoid being billed the full price of event. Members who do not cancel their reservation will be charged a $10 no-show fee for each reservation (member and guest).

Paid Events: Occasionally events are final sale or have a final sale date, so please check the full event description prior to making your reservation. If an event has no final sale date listed, please cancel two business days prior to the event to avoid being charged the full price of the event.

To cancel reservations: